Jan 25 , 2024

Winter Along the Waterfront

A message from our Executive Director, Deborah Bilitski:

It wasn’t until I started working at Waterfront Park six years ago that I began to observe and appreciate the ever-changing character of the Ohio River. The entire first month of my employment, which happened to be in January, I could not stop staring out the window at the river. It is never the same from one day to the next. Depending on wind speeds, the amount of rainfall, the time of day, and how sunny or cloudy the sky is, the river can be as smooth and reflective as a mirror, or it can be a torrent of white caps that crash against the riverbank like waves in the ocean. The color can range from blues and greens to browns and grays. Sometimes in high waters, the current is so strong that barges heading upriver with engines at full throttle seem to practically stand still. No matter when you visit, even in January, the river is always mesmerizing, powerful, and majestic. And in my humble and slightly biased opinion, there is no better place to take in some river views than at Waterfront Park.

Maintaining Waterfront Park is a year-round effort, and your kind support throughout every season helps to create and sustain a space that everyone can enjoy any month of the year. If you are already a member, thank you for your support. If you would like to learn more, let us know. We would love for you to join us and support the park in the New Year.

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PlayPort opens March 26! Click HERE to learn more about the westward expansion.