Mar 06 , 2021

Waterfront Park Flood Update & Cleanup

Waterfront Park Flood Update

Are you curious about the rising Ohio River? Waterfront Park including the Big Four Bridge are open. The Ohio River is still rising but expected to crest Saturday at 29.5’ which is 17’ above normal pool and will begin to drop quickly. The water is expected to return completely to normal pool by Wednesday of next week. Today through the weekend, access to the park is limited to the downtown streets as high water is covering portions of low-lying River Road and connecting streets. Don’t attempt to drive through water!  

As the water begins to drop over the weekend you may notice man-made garbage washed ashore, mixed in with driftwood and silt. Before park staff can begin to restore the park and clean the paths of driftwood and mud, the man-made garbage must be picked up from the river’s edge. Waterfront Park experiences as many as 10-12 flood events per year and our small staff is well prepared and skilled in restoring the paths. When we experience a significant flood event like this one, park patrons are often saddened to see the amount of litter that can be washed ashore and want to help. If you are interested in volunteering to remove small debris such as plastic, we invite you help!

Flood Cleanup Information
March 7, 2021
Green Parking Lot (300 River Road)

Few events remind us of the impact our behavior has on the environment more than a flood. Rising waters from the Ohio River often leave behind garbage swept up in a current upriver and deposited in Waterfront Park. You might see tires, entire trees, and lots of plastic packaging from consumer goods. 

Volunteer support to remove small man made garbage such as pieces of plastic can be a real help to our small maintenance staff.  You can do this at your own pace for your desired amount of time and with plenty of social distancing. You can bring your own garbage bags, buckets and gloves for the effort or Waterfront Park will provide them to you.  

Park staff will meet volunteers at 1pm on Sunday March 7th in the Green Parking Lot 300 River Road under the interstate to distribute garbage bags, buckets and gloves. Supplies will also be made available next week upon request.  

Park staff have special equipment to move and clear driftwood, heavy objects and silt and we ask that you not attempt to move or clear these items for your own safety and the wellbeing of park property.  

The dumpster available for Waterfront Park flood cleanup efforts is located in the Green Parking Lot at 300 River Road.   

Please contact us with any questions, or if you need supplies at or 502.744.5743. 

If you wish to track your volunteer hours and be notified of future volunteer opportunities, we invite you to register as a volunteer below.

Click here to volunteer for Waterfront Park

Thank you for your support of Waterfront Park! 

Click HERE to Vote for Waterfront Park as Best Riverwalk.