Aug 11 , 2023

Enjoy the Dog Days of Summer at Waterfront Park

A message from our Executive Director, Deborah Bilitski:

As summer begins to wind down, our lives often begin to pick back up as we prepare for the busy back-to-school season. In the midst of all the rushing around, I encourage you to make time for the things that matter. 

Whether it’s having a picnic with your family during Waterfront Wednesday, going on a morning bike ride with your friend or taking your dog on a walk through the park – these are the moments you will cherish forever. Fortunately, your Waterfront Park provides an inviting space for each of these activities and more.

What are some of your favorite memories from Waterfront Park? Spread the love and consider sharing this newsletter with a friend or becoming a member of Waterfront Park today. Your contribution helps us preserve our park for generations to come. 

Click Here To Read The Latest Newsletter

PlayPort opens March 26! Click HERE to learn more about the westward expansion.