Oct 20 , 2023

Autumn Leaves & A Cool Breeze At Waterfront Park

A message from our Executive Director, Deborah Bilitski:

Although our event season is winding down, things never seem to slow down at Waterfront Park.  With the beautiful fall weather we’ve had, the park remains as busy as ever. Our crew is hard at work readying the park for the impending winter and getting a jump start to prepare it for next season. At long last, we are finally able to complete the pavers under the interstate on the Great Lawn.  This fall, we also will remove all of the trees in the Festival Plaza, which are declining and in poor health, and will replace them with Tulip Poplars which we have found to be better suited to the surrounding conditions. 

Construction is progressing on Waterfront Park PlayPort, the first piece of our 22-acre west park expansion between 10th and 14th streets along the river. The restroom building is beginning to take shape, foundations are being laid for the large-scale play components, and underground utility infrastructure is going in.There isn’t much to look at just yet, but we will update you with photos as construction of the play area progresses. 

None of these improvements would be possible without the generosity of the community and our Waterfront Park members. As a donor supported public park, your support ensures our waterfront can remain a community asset to be enjoyed for generations to come. Consider becoming a member of Waterfront Park today.

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PlayPort opens March 26! Click HERE to learn more about the westward expansion.