Jul 16 , 2020

Waterfront Park lighting the Big Four Bridge green to recognize World Urban Parks

In recognition of World Urban Parks, Waterfront Park has lit the Big Four Bridge lights green to recognize the importance and value of parks, open
spaces and their stewards during COVID-19.

#GoGreenForParks #GoingGreenforParkies is an acknowledgement and thank you to our parks system and all park professionals for their hard work.

Iconic and Civic spaces and places to go Green in honor of parks and their workers that have kept us physically and mentally active during Covid-19.

World Urban Parks North American Region salute Parks and their workers around the Region with Green Lightings

The North American Region of World Urban Parks Calls to light up civic and iconic spaces and places Green to say thanks to our Parks and the park professionals that have helped us remain active, healthy and connected during COVID-19 via #GoGreenForParks #GoingGreenforParkies

We have been working with our counterparts across the globe with an initiative started by the New York Parks Department which paid tribute to parks and their workers with an iconic lighting of the Empire State Building, the NYC Parks’ Arsenal, Washington Square Arch and other elements across the city. The following attractions have signed up to participate thus far:

• New York City Washington Square Arch and Arsenal
• London’s Olympic Stadium
• Louisville, Kentucky’s Big Four Bridge
• Adelaide
• Sydney Botanical Gardens
• Edmonton
• Calgary

WUP North America calls on iconic civic spaces and parks to be lit Green on Tuesday 30th June 2020. Be sure to tag your posts Twitter: @WUParks Facebook: @worldurbanparks & Instagram: wurbanparks”

The #GoGreenForParks #GoingGreenforParkies celebration encourages regional involvement by:
▪ Light up your spaces and places Green from sunset on June 30th
▪ Share your photos and experiences using the #GoGreenForParks# GoingGreenforParkies hashtags on all social media platforms
▪ Celebrate Your Parks and the Professionals That Provide Them to All!

Big Four® Bridge Thunder, Airshow, and Airshow Practice closure times:
Friday, April 19 – closed 11 AM until 5 PM (Airshow Practice)
Saturday, April 20 – closed 9 AM until 11:30 PM